Deeper Insights. Smarter Decisions.

Automatically collect conversations, conduct research, and transform qualitative data into actionable insights with Tetra.

Testimonial 01

"Tetra allows us to go from interviews to insights 200x faster than before."

Testimonial 02

"Tetra's AI actually delivers! Our data is automatically valuable just by being in Tetra."

Testimonial 03

"Tetra's platform results in better hypotheses, deeper insights, and more impactful interview results."

Powerful tools to generate insights 200x faster

Tetra combines powerful data analysis, conversational intelligence, and an intuitive insight repository into a unified platform supercharged with AI.

AI and insights superpowers
for professionals

Experience Research

Tetra integrates the tools for end-to-end qualitative research, analysis, and insight generation.

Source participants, conduct interviews, and automatically analyze and generate insights with AI features.

Investment Insights

Invest and complete diligence with confidence by turning conversations with customers, subject matter experts, and stakeholders into actionable insights.

Source participants with a single click to talk to target customers and SMEs.

Sales Insights and Coaching

Turn sale calls into a treasure trove of actionable insights. Automatically connect to your calendar to record your meetings, get automated summaries with suggested follow-ups, and improve your effectiveness with sales insights.

For Everyone

Customers are discovering new use cases for Tetra every day. Learn how recording your meetings and transforming conversations into insights can enhance your productivity.

Seamless integration with your existing tools

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Affordable pricing with unlimited usage

Every account inludes unlimited uploads, transcription, AI features, and more.

Yearly (-20%)
AI Features
AI Features
AI Features
Team Features
Team Features
Team Features
Export MP4 Clips
Export MP4 Clips
Export MP4 Clips
Priority Support
Priority Support
Priority Support
Research Features
Research Features
Research Features
Source Participants
Source Participants
$49 B2C / $99 B2B
Source Participants
$39 B2C / $79 B2B
Live Interview Experience
Live Interview Experience
Live Interview Experience
Universal Search
Universal Search
Universal Search
Streaming Backroom
Streaming Backroom
Streaming Backroom
AI Features
AI Features
AI Features
TetraBot Chat
TetraBot Chat
TetraBot Chat
Automated Tagging
Automated Tagging
Automated Tagging
Automated Q&A Identification
Automated Q&A Identification
Automated Q&A Identification
Custom dictionary and org context
Custom dictionary and org context
Custom dictionary and org context
Transcript Redaction / PII Removal
Transcript Redaction / PII Removal
Transcript Redaction / PII Removal
Enterprise Features
Enterprise Features
Enterprise Features
Security Reviews
Security Reviews
Security Reviews
Custom Data Retention
Custom Data Retention
Custom Data Retention
Onboarding Support
Onboarding Support
Onboarding Support
Dedicated CSM
Dedicated CSM
Dedicated CSM
Granular Roles & Permissions
Granular Roles & Permissions
Granular Roles & Permissions
Team Management
Team Management
Team Management
Testimonial 04
"Tetra's platform results in better hypotheses, deeper insights, and more impactful interview results."


What does Tetra Insights offer?

Tetra Insights provides an end-to-end platform for user research and conversational intelligence. It allows you to source participants, conduct interviews, analyze data, and generate actionable insights, all within one integrated system.

Do I need technical expertise to use Tetra Insights?

No technical expertise is required to use Tetra Insights. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and automated features that simplify the research process.

What types of research can I conduct with Tetra Insights?

Tetra supports a wide range of research methodologies, including moderated interviews, unmoderated user tests, diary studies, surveys, and in-person research like focus groups and ethnographic studies.

How does Tetra Insights ensure data security?

Tetra Insights prioritizes data security, operating on ISO 27001 certified infrastructure with hosting and third party vendors maintaining full SOC 2 compliance. The platform is designed to meet the highest security standards.

Can I get a free account with Tetra Insights?

Tetra Insights offers a free 30-day trial with unlimited access to our suite of tools. Free accounts are available for students and for certain research projects.

How does Tetra Insights automate research processes?

Tetra Insights automates many research processes, including participant sourcing, live transcription, AI-powered tagging, and data analysis. This helps researchers focus on insights rather than administrative tasks.

How does Tetra automatically collect my conversations and qualitative data?

The TetraBot meeting tool connects to your calendar to automatically record meetings based on event rules and settings. You can also automatically import recordings via integrations.

How does Tetra Insights handle data from multiple research projects?

Tetra provides a centralized repository where all research data can be stored, tagged, and searched. This ensures easy access to past research and insights across multiple projects.

Can Tetra Insights be integrated with other tools?

Yes, Tetra Insights can be integrated with various tools, enhancing its capabilities and allowing for a seamless workflow within your existing tech stack.

Does Tetra Insights offer customized solutions for enterprises?

Tetra Insights offers customized solutions, including tailored onboarding, custom data retention policies, and dedicated customer success managers to meet the unique needs of large enterprises.

High Performer Summer 2023
Easiest To Do Business With Summer 2023
Best Support Summer 2023
Read Tetra Insights reviews on G2

★ 100% 4 and 5 Star Reviews on G2

★ Ranked Easiest To Do Business With for 10 consecutive quarters

Transform conversations and research into actionable insights with Tetra